George Cross Memorial Scholarship Fund
George was born the day before Victory Day in 1945 and grew up with his three
sisters in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. He was a hard worker and earned a scholarship to
the University of Pennsylvania based on his success in academics and wrestling. After
graduating from Penn and Wharton, George began working for the US Treasury
Department as the special assistant to the Treasurer. Shortly after leaving Washington,
George and Clare moved back to Philadelphia and got married. In September of 1985,
they adopted Clay, their first child. Then in June of 1988, they adopted LeeLee, and
their family was complete. George held various titles throughout his life, but none more
fitting than the title of Dad. He loved watching his children grow and was constantly
involved in everything they did. The highs and the lows, constantly supporting and
always trying to guide them in the right direction. Over the years, Clay began to spiral
deeper into his alcoholism and addictions. The family dynamic began to change, and
George tried as hard as he could to help his son, but with little success. Clay had to
want to change and had to have the willingness to ask for help. When he finally asked
for help and reached out, George was there in a heartbeat. After wilderness therapy, the
Cross’ decided to send their son to Ascend Recovery in Utah. George attended family
programs at Ascend and continued to be involved in Clay’s recovery. He constantly
pushed Clay to help others that were struggling with addiction and was so grateful for
everything that Ascend gave to his family and the other families they served.